Dead by Daylight: Freddy Krueger prepares his assault [VIDEO]

A short video preview advises players not to sleep.

"Problems sleeping? Dead by Daylight will not help you fix it ...". With this enigmatic message and a short video sequence, the team of Behavior Interactive anticipates the arrival of Freddy Krueger to this popular video game of action and terror multiplayer although, for now, the announcement has not become official.

The video focuses on a pipe in which appear four cuts, similar to the claws of Freddy Krueger, shortly before a new brand draws the logo of the video game. The video concludes with the message "do not fall asleep," which points directly to the classic horror films Nightmare on Elm Street, in which this bloody murderer killed the lives of their victims in the dream world.

The addition of a villain like this should not surprise anyone considering that Leatherface, from La Matanza of Texas, and Michael Myers of the Halloween saga, are already part of the cast of the dead by Daylight.
